I have chosen to post this because I wanted to share to everyone my report on butterflies and share some information that some people migfht not have known about.What I was doing was doing a report on butterflies.What I had to do first was do a plan on information what I had already knew,what I want to find out and also a chart for what I learned.Next I gathered up the infomation to make a report.What I enjoyed about doing this report was when I got to find out infomation about butterflies because I learned new things about butterflies.The most challenging part of my report was when I had to think of subheadings.I overcame my fear by just trying hard and doing my best.
Bold Butterflies
Species of Butterflies: In the world there are 28,000 different species in the world.For example in America and Mexico there are 725 species like papilionidae and pieridae.That’s not all because Ohio has 135 species.
Nutrition: Butterflies drink nectar from flowers because it’s got high energy of sugar that bribes the butterfly to pollination.When they drink they drink with proboscis straws.They can only eat or fly when they are warmed up to 30 degrees.
Movement: They beat their wings ten times a second.And like how they eat they have to be warmed up to 30o.They have four wings.Two of them are forewings and two of them are hind wings.Their wings are made of very thin layers of a hardened protein called chitin.
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I got this picture from beastwarstransformers.wikia.com |
species:types of things
pollination: reproduction